My MayDay PAC Justification

Did you know?
  • Just 132 people provided 60% of the funding for SuperPACs in 2012.  
  • Members of congress spend 30% to 70% of their time raising money.  That is 30-70% of their time not working!
  • You, the citizen, may vote in elections, but the funders of elections get to choose who you may vote for.  A candidate can not get elected without getting funded first.
  • After the advent of SuperPACs President Obama noted, "You now have the potential of 200 people deciding who ends up being elected president every single time."
What does this mean?  It means that what you care about doesn't matter to your government.  What your government cares about is what the funders care about.  To fix this problem, we need to fix how campaigns are financed in this country.  We need to get the big money out of politics.

There are lots issues people care about.  What makes this issue so important?  It's not.  Campaign finance is not the most important issue.  Your issue is the most important issue, whatever it is.  But your issue will never be addressed by our government until we sever the ties that bind our representatives to those with money rather than to those they represent.  So campaign finance reform is the first issue.

Did you know?
  • 95% of people in the US agree that there's too much big money in politics.
  • Nevertheless, this issue has not been fixed.  The will of the people is clear, yet our government does not act.

The Mayday PAC has raised over $7,000,000 dollars, and is in the process of securing matching funds for another $5,000,000, solely to fight this one fight.

You can help by also making it your first issue.  Other things are and should be more important to you, but they won't be fixed until this problem is fixed.
