Poor does not mean unhappy

(Original from the blog The Big Picture).

I think this is a nice reminder that you can live a good and happy life, even if your life is not rich and easy. These people are ethnic Bajau ("Sea Gypsies") who live their lives on the water in Malaysia, without electricity or even an easy supply of fresh drinking water. As you can see, their huts are very basic. But this family sure seems to be able to enjoy themselves just as much as anyone we may know.

I want to show this to everyone who automatically thinks that adopted children were doomed to a terrible existence before they were adopted. As internationally adopted children often do come from developing nations, perhaps their lives would have been hard, and they would not have had things we consider basics, but they would probably still have had love. Birth families don't choose adoption because they don't love their children. They choose adoption because they *do* love them.
